Python: Nested for Loops

  1. Introduction to Python
  2. Python: Choosing a Text Editor or IDE
  3. Python: Hello World
  4. Python: Variables, Strings and Numbers
  5. Python: Variable Naming
  6. Python: Math, Familiar
  7. Python: Math, Less Familiar
  8. Python: Mathematical Order of Operations
  9. Python: Introducing PEP 8
  10. Python: Text Concatenation
  11. Python: if Statements and Comparison Operators
  12. Python: else and elif statements
  13. Python: Testing Multiple Conditions
  14. Python: Testing Sets of Conditions
  15. Python: Nested if Statements
  16. Python: Lists
  17. Python: Adding To and Changing Lists
  18. Python: Lists: Take a Slice, Delete Elements, Popping Elements
  19. Python: Tuples
  20. Python: for Loops
  21. Python: Nested for Loops
  22. Python: Capturing and Formatting User Input
  23. Python: Dictionaries
  24. Python: Functions
  25. Python: While Loops
  26. Python: Creating and Using Classes
  27. Python: Data Files
  28. Python: Modules
  29. Python: CSV Files
  30. Python: JSON Files
  31. Python: Errors and Exception Handling
  32. Python: Using Pexpect
  33. Python : Using Pexpect :
  34. Python : Using Pexpect:
  35. Python: DCL Conversion to Python

Go to Chapter 22 in A Smarter Way.

You can put a for-loop inside another for-loop:

first_names = ["Bill", "Joel", "Jeff", "Jim"]
last_names = ["E-boy", "E-man", "Jefferson", "O'theJungle"]
full_names - [ ]

for a_first_name in first_names:
    for a_last_name in last_names:
        full_names.append(a_first_name + " " + a_last_name)



  1. In your script, create two lists of friends’ first names and last names, plus the empty list to hold the full name. Be creative!
  2. Now use the nested for-loops to populate the empty list.
  3. Print your list of friends. Don’t forget to properly format the strings.