Your cell phone is a stooge for the police

Gonna party till the po-po shut you down? Better not take your cell phone.

Police departments are equipping themselves with advanced machinery that can capture ALL your cell phone data in one pass, which they are doing at normal traffic stops. So, you get a ticket for no turn signal, and the cops instantly have a “right” to complete geotracking records of your location, complete text messages, call logs, contact data, photos – everything on your phone, even stuff you’ve deleted in many cases.

Does that seem like a bit of overreach? An unreasonable search and seizure? A violation of privacy? It does to me, but the only reasonable immediate responses are: 1) don’t always carry my cell phone, or 2) swapping cell phones with a friend from time to time to invalidate geo-data. You mean your phone wasn’t always in your possession? You mean other people carried and used your cell phone? Gee, there’s no way to definitively prove you were anywhere, or did anything. That’s what the CIA calls Plausible Deniability, and it sure seems to work in court – for them.