Using BackTrack 4: Information Gathering: Route: netenum


Opening Instructions:

netenum <destination> [timeout] [verbosity]
if timeout is >0, pings are used to enum


Netenum performs a quick (and dirty) ping sweep of the local network, producing a list of hosts as output. This is particularly handy, for instance, to pass to Nessus or nmap, or to call in a script or piped command. The security auditor will like this tool; the serious hacker probably will use something less detectable.

One interesting script-worthy feature is that you can use netenum to generate a list of IP addresses within a specified range simply by setting the timeout to 0. This may be handy for piping to another tool. If you specify a longer timeout, that timeout applies to the whole process, not individual pings, so what you’re really doing is specifying how long to keep doing ping sweeps.


Information Gathering

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