Using Backtrack 4: Information Gathering: Route: itrace



To trace routes through firewalls, itrace does a traceroute-like process but using ICMP echo packets. This is potentially a slick way to map a private network, but the big gotcha is that many or most larger organizations block ICMP from going in or out of their networks anyway. In that scenario this tool won’t work, but like many tools in BackTrack, a good auditor will try – as will a good hacker.


Information Gathering

Home Page and Tutorial:

From the website:  (

Itrace is a program that implements traceroute(1) functionality using ICMP echo request packets. Therefore, it looks like you are just pinging your target while you traceroute there. It often helps tracing behind firewalls.
Usage: ./itrace -i eth0 -d

 -v		verbose
-n reverse lookup answering IPs (slow!)
-p x send x probes per hop (default=3)
-m x set TTL max to x (default=30)
-t x timout after x seconds (default=3)
-i interface the normal eth0 stuff
-d destination Name or IP of destination