Using the find Command


The find command, unlike locate, performs a live search of your file system. It is very versatile, and can search by filename, owner, last modified time, and other criteria. Its syntax is:

find starting_directorycriteria search_string

The starting directory can be any location, with a relative or absolute path. In other words, /etc will get you to /etc, ../ will take you up one directory, mydirectory/ is a subdirectory, . is the current directory, and so forth, exactly as you’re accustomed to doing.

Criteria can be a user’s name, the file name, and more:

find Criteria
-name Search for files by their file name
Note that wildcards can be used
find . -name *txt
-user Search for files by their owner’s name or UID find . -user root
find . -user 0
-group Search for files owned by group find . -group games
find . -group 60

Search for files of type:

b block
c character
d directory
p named pipe
f regular
l symlink
s sockets

find . -type b
-size x
-size -x
-size +x

Search for files of size
Search for files smaller than size x
Search for files larger than size x

Size can be in k, M or G (among others)
k is assumed

find . -size 512
find . -size -512k
find . -size +512M
-amin +x
-amin -x
Search for files accessed more than x minutes ago
Search for files accessed less than x minutes ago
find . -amin -5
find . -amin +10
-atime +x
-atime -x
Search for files accessed more than x days ago
Search for files accessed less than x days ago
find . -atime -5
-mmin +x
-mmin -x
Search for files modified more than x minutes ago
Search for files modified less than x minutes ago
find . -mmin +5
-mtime +x
-mtime -x
Search for files modified more than x days ago
Search for files modified less than x days ago
find . -mtime +5
-empty Search for empty files and directories find . -empty
-regexp Search for files using regular expressions rather than filename wildcards find . -regexp [Aa]dmin
-remove-files Removes files after tarring them; use with caution!

For example:

Find owned by a particular user:
find /var -user root
Will find every file under the directory /var owned by the user root.

find /bin -name *.sh
Will find every file under the directory /bin ending in “.sh”.

find /var/spool -mtime +10
Will find every file in /var/spool last modified more than 10 days ago.


Now’s a good time to take a look at the idea of Order of Operations. You’re going to need it to understand something about using wildcards with the find command. Newer versions of find have no trouble with:

find /etc -name host*

Older versions, however, will hiccup over the wildcard, because the shell will “get to” the wildcard, and interpret it, before the find command is run. You have to quote the wildcard for things to work right:

find /etc -name “host*”


Finally: never be reluctant to run man find.