[ Hacker Night School ] :: WEP Cracking Basics in Kali

This entry is part 16 of 34 in the series [ Hacker Night School ]

Wifi Cracking: Start With the Basics: WEP

WEP is so old and weak you’ll hardly ever find it in use, though there are always the few who haven’t paid attention. WEP cracking is a great way to get familiar with the aircrack-ng suite (https://www.aircrack-ng.org/), its commands and processes.

Where to Learn

Start with the horse’s mouth:

Here’s a nice command-by-command example:

And a video that accompanies it (circa 2013):

Null-Byte has a newer (2017) article with excellent examples:

Where to Test Your Wifi Hacking Skills

Find a Wireless Access Point (WAP), preferably the oldest you can find.


  1. Set up your WAP using WEP encryption. Don’t go crazy turning on the firewall or anything else; just concentrate on this one skill.
  2. Crack into that sucker, all from the command line, using the examples above.
  3. Kali is constantly changing. Does your version have a GUI tool for WEP cracking? Find it and try it.