[ Hacker Night School ] :: Using the Greenbone Vulnerability Scanner

This entry is part 28 of 34 in the series [ Hacker Night School ]

When you say “Vulnerability Scanners” most people in our field immediately think of Nessus. But Nessus is just a commercial take-over of a previously open-source project, and the core developers don’t exactly love their work being commercialized at no benefit to them. (Don’t get me started here.)

So they “forked” the project, creating the Open Vulnerability Assessment Scanner, OpenVAS. This scanner uses Greenbone as its GUI, and installing it is not for the faint of heart.

There are some golden people out there who have produced a “copy and paste” (copypasta) set of instructions that make this process MUCH easier, and give you a door into a terrific free, open toolset. Be sure to thank them.
