[ Hacking 101 ] :: [ HTML ]

This entry is part 6 of 11 in the series [ Hacking 101 ]


You’ll need to know how to tinker with (hack) HTML in order to manipulate forms, capture headers and inject meta tags, just for starters. Once you’re familiar with reading and modifying HTML code, take on some of the challenges below.

Where to Learn

There are some great online courses in HTML4 and 5.

Top of any list is W3Schools. The site has a “Try it yourself” feature that lets you tinker with code live in the browser.

CodeAcademy is also excellent:

Depending on your current skill level, you can skip these, skim them or study them hard. But pay particular attention to how GET and POST work, the elements of forms, and how META tags work.

Where to Test Your HTML Hacking Skills

Root-me.org has Web Client and Web Server areas. You must set up an account – it will be worth your while.

HackThisSite is also great, free and helpful. Again, you’ll need to create an account.


  1. Crack the first challenge in Web Client on Root-me.org:
  2. Attempt the first three Basic Challenges on HackThisSite.com: