A question about learning HTML5

On 1/3/12 8:04 AM, Ain’t Tellin’ wrote:

Hey Glenn, hope your holiday was great! I’m tryin to get info on html5 and where to find a class as well. The more i read, the more i am convinced there’s money in this relatively virginal market. Any info will help. Hope youre doin’ well and talk to you soon:} A.T.

Hi Tellin’ –
Yeah, you are dead on the money about HTML5. The paint is barely dry on the standard, in fact some areas are still under development, so don’t be surprised if the materials are thin. The horse’s mouth is pretty much the W3C, and they offer W3schools.com for the interested: http://w3schools.com/.

Don’t forget that HTML5 requires a *very* strong understanding of CSS and Javascript. You can study them in the same place. Ultimately, there’s no substitute for experience loading and configuring your own server account, either through getting web space through an ISP, running your own server, or taking a class.

I do know Cont Ed has an HTML5 class, though I haven’t taken the opportunity to audit it yet. And Harlow Pinson has done a great Mobile Apps series of classes, which he may do again.

The key question is: How much development experience do you have?