Healthcare Organizations

Pay attention to HL7 codes



  • Federal, a dept of HHS
  • Serves over-65 and disabled


  • Federally monitored
  • Run by states so has many names
  • For low-income and eligible families


  • For active-duty members of US military


  • Federal Employee Health Benefits Program
  • For federal employees, retirees and their families


Organization/Facilities Types


Inpatient (admitted) vs. Outpatient

General Hospital – required to provide diagnosis and treatment for medical services including radiology, lab services and surgery.

Specialty Hospital – provides treatment for specific disorders such as cancer, burns or women’s health

Rehabilitation Hospital – provides diagnosis, treatment, restorative and adjustment services to the disabled

Psychiatric Hospital – provides diagnosis and treatment for individuals with mental illness or behavioral health disorders


Private Practices

Practitioners practice medicine without supervision (doctors, nurse practitioners)

Providers are in supervised settings (nurses, aides)


Acute Care Facility

Provides medical, surgical, pediatric and obstetric services that require fewer than 30 days hospital stay.


Assisted Living Facility

For elderly or those who need assistance with activities of daily living (ADL)



Health Maintenance Organization

Provides healthcare services for fixed, prepaid reimbursement.

Providers and subscribers voluntarily enroll.


Home Health Care

Often for IV care or PT



Care for terminally ill patients, either at home or in facilities.

24/7 care


Medical/hospital equipment

Medicare/Medicaid will reimburse most hospice costs for those eligible.


Nursing Homes/Convalescent Hospitals


Often run by Director of Nursing, an RN

Staffed by LPNs and non-licensed nursing assistants

For Medicare reimbursement, must meet criteria for a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)


Nonacute Care Facility

aka Long Term Care Facility

For individuals w/ long-term illnesses requiring hospital stays of over 30 days.

Alzheimer’s Disease etc.



Point of Service healthcare plan

Patient permitted to choose a provider each time healthcare services are needed.



Preferred Provider Organization

A network of providers that give a discount rate in return for higher volume.


Subacute Care Facility

Provides treatment for patients with an acute illness or injury on top of a chronic illness, like surgery patients who get pneumonia.


Surgical Centers and Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs)

Outpatient and inpatient