Catalonia rallies for independence from Spain

Aside from Syria, is anyone watching what’s going on in Spain? Catalonia is trying to win independence! I came across this:

“So tomorrow is memorial day in Catalonia and the pro-independence Catalan people will be out again in the millions to build support for freeing their country from the tyranny of Spain. They’re doing a human chain from border to border (400 km!) to show unity and now Spain has made human chains illegal outside of Catalonia (so no other region tries to extend the chain). The politics of a desperate tyrant here is really scary and amazing to see at the same time. But you gotta hand it to the Catalans, after 300 years of oppression they still try to reclaim their liberty every chance they get. Of course they have to wait until Spain is down before they try or else they’ll get bombed into submission like the other 4 times they tried and the current Spanish economic climate makes it perfect to try again as Spain is weak. The worst part is that Spain is so against them in so many ways over the years- burning books in Catalan, imprisoning those who speak Catalan, forcing schools to teach in Spanish so as to “Hispanize the children” (Spanish govt’s words) and so once again the Catalans are pushing for their own nation. And why shouldn’t they- Catalonia rivals the sizes of Belgium and the Netherlands and is the 4th largest economic region in Europe. Catalonia existed as a free nation for 700!years before Spain conquered them in the 1700s and they’ve been for300 years trying to get out of it. So will it be revolution or evolution? We live in interesting times.”
