Using Backtrack: Network Mapping: Identify Live Hosts: nsat

nsat – the Network Security Analysis Tool


From the README:

NSAT is a fast, stable bulk security scanner designed to audit remote network
services and check for versions, security problems, gather information about
the servers and the machine and much more. Unlike many other auditing tools,
it can collect information about services independently of vulnerabilities,
which makes it “timeless”, meaning it doesn’t depend on frequent updates as new
vulnerabilities are found.

A manpage providing extensive information on NSAT has been included in the
distribution. It is available after a ‘make install’, or just by typing
‘man doc/nsat.8’ from this dir. It is suggested that you inform yourself at
least about the -v (scan verbosity) option and edit the configuration file.
To learn about changes in this version, please consult doc/CHANGES.

New to this version is support for distributed scanning. The manpage
describes how to do a distributed scan. Note that distributed scanning in
this version is just a preliminary, proof-of-concept, implementation with
no guarantees for its security, reliability, or performance.


Information gathering

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