I am accepting contributions

From time to time I’ve had colleagues give me some great articles they’ve written, many of which I’ve posted to the site, like Kirk’s great RAM Page in the A+ area. I’m opening up this space to contributions from a couple of interested parties, with of course my editorial review. Look at the grey bar at the top of this note: you’ll see the author’s name (in my case Glenn).

Some discussion is, necessarily, best kept anonymous. It may never make any difference if people know you use Barracuda appliances, but then again it may. So unless otherwise noted, these contributors will be known simply by their login names.

If you’re interested in a one-time submission, or ongoing submissions, drop me a line. This page is primarily devoted to the business of IT and working in New Mexico, but also devotes space to the interests of my IT and programming students. And occasionally mine, like my ongoing obsession with security.