System Monitoring : du and df


The disk usage (du) utility tells you how much space on disk is being taken by files and directories. Try:

du -h
du -s
du -sh

See the man page for du and note the expressions you can use to exclude certain items.

This gives you, in various forms, the space used. But it doesn’t give you an idea of how much space you have remaining. For that, use the df command.


The disk free space utility (df) provides a nice chart of free and used space. Try:

df -h
df -l
df -i

(See about inodes.)


Getting Graphical: Baobab

Go to and read about this utility.

Use yum or go to a repository to get and install Baobab.

Open it with the command baobab .

Note sorting options.

You can scan the whole filesystem, a local directory or a remote directory. For remote scanning, Baobab supports SSH, FTP, WebDAV and Samba protocols.