Printing : Files & Commands

Files Used For Printing Under LPD

the printer description file, or “printer capabilities” database

the spool directories (there may be more than one)

this file specifies the minimum free space to leave on the partition containing /var

actual line printer devices

the socket for local requests

lists hosts that are allowed printer access

lists hosts that are allowed printer access, but are administered by hosts other than this print server

the users file

the line printer daemons (services)

the directories to be used for spooling



To add a print queue to lpd, you must add an entry in /etc/printcap, and create a new spool directory under /var/spool/lpd.

An entry in /etc/printcap looks like this:

# LOCAL djet850 #A comment line for humans
lp|dj|deskjet:\ #Three names for this printer, any of which will be accepted
:sd=/var/spool/lpd/dj:\ #The spooler directory
:mx#0:\ #Maximum print job size: 0 means no max
:lp=/dev/lp0:\ #The device that will print these jobs
:sh: #No cover sheet


LPD, the daemon

LPD is the actual printer daemon.

  • It starts at boot time,
  • reads the printcap file to find what printers are specified, and
  • prints any files left over if the system crashed.

Then it calls (commands):

  • listen (for print requests), and
  • accept (to transfer files to the spool, display the queue, or remove jobs).

LPD is multi-threaded.

  • Remember that threads run in system space, while processes run in user space.
  • When LPD gets a print job, it forks a child thread to run it.
  • The parent thread continues listening for requests.


lpr, the command

Unlike LPD, which is a daemon, lpr is a command. Its format is:

lpr /path/to/file [arguments]

Common arguments are:

#There must be no space between -P and the queue name. This forces output to a specific printer.

#Suppress header page

-m [email protected]
#Where to send an email with confirmation

#Number of copies

-T title
#Title for cover page, if used

Note the interesting fact that if no file is specified, standard input will be printed!


lpq, the command

Like lpr, lpq is a command. It’s used to list print jobs in the queue. It lists:

  • user’s name
  • the print job’s position in the queue
  • the file(s) to be printed
  • the job’s numeric ID
  • the size of the job in bytes

Check a specific printer by using the -P option:

lpq -Pdjet850

Notice that once again there is no space between -P and the printer name. If no printer is specified, the default printer is assumed. A user name or job number may be specified after the -P parameter, to restrict reporting to just that user or job.


lpc, the command

The lpc (Line Printer Controller) command looks like this:

lpc [subcommand]

Depending on the subcommand, lpc lets the administrator:

  • disable or enable a queue,
  • reorder jobs in a queue,
  • check a printer’s status, or
  • (with no subcommand) go to an lpc> prompt for an interactive session.

Subcommands include:

#To terminate current and subsequent printing. Also useful if the spooler is hung: issue abort followed by start.

#Completely stop the specified print queue.

#Same as disable, but it also logs a message to the printer status file. Subsequent print job attempts return the status message.

#Turns a spool back on.

#Terminates an interactive session.

#Tells LPD to reread its config file.

#Enables printing and starts spooler for the printer(s) named as arguments to this command.

#Stops LPD and disables printing.

topq [printer] [jobs]
#Lets you send specific jobs to the top of the queue for the specified printer.

up [printer]
#Enables the queue for that printer and starts a new print daemon for that queue.


lprm, the command

This command removes print jobs from a spool queue. The default printer is assumed unless you specify one:

#Stops the default spool queue

lprm -Pdjet850
#Stops jobs for djet850

lprm –
#Stops all your print jobs; stops ALL print jobs if issued by root (or su).

lprm 15
#Stops job 15

lprm <username>
#Stops all print jobs for this user